Terms and Conditions

The General Terms of Service outlined in this document govern both the use of the keypartners website accessible at [www.key-partners.com](https://www.key-partners.com) (the so-called “keypartners Site”) and the relationship between the Candidate (the so-called “User”) and keypartners. Therefore, you are invited to read this document carefully, as the Terms and Conditions of Service outlined below may affect the rights of those who use the website.

If you disagree with the content of this document, you are invited not to use the keypartners Site. If you have any doubts about the content and/or questions about it, you can contact us at the following email address: dpo@key-partners.com.

**Service Usage**

For every assignment given to keypartners, the standard terms and conditions of service will apply (which will be made available to the User in a copy upon the latter’s request).

keypartners specifies that it does not provide any warranties and/or representations regarding the following circumstances: - the duration of the candidate search and selection process and/or the duration of any position posted on its website unless a specific agreement is made between the User and keypartners; - the availability of any position advertised on the keypartners Site.

**Communications to Candidates**

Upon registration of the Candidate, or in the event that keypartners contacts you for a temporary and/or permanent position, the User expressly agrees to participate in the Agreement with keypartners, which includes participation in recruitment processes and receiving notifications (via email/phone) of job offers that match the Candidate’s profile.

The rights and obligations arising from accepting this Agreement are expressly listed in this document, the content of which must be unconditionally accepted at the time of registration or when receiving communication from keypartners regarding the possibility of inclusion in our company database.

All recruitment services for Candidates are provided free of charge; in any case, the Candidate may withdraw at any time by sending an explicit written communication to the contacts indicated in this document.

**Use of the keypartners Website**

Our company manages its website to facilitate the understanding of the contents reported on it and to describe the services offered to the Candidate, as well as to make known the official communication channels with keypartners.

Our website is made available and usable for the personal use of the Candidate in full compliance with the Terms and Conditions of Service contained herein. If you cannot access the keypartners website and/or experience difficulties and/or are unable to upload your CV, cover letter, or any other document, you are invited to contact us for support.

**Updating and Reviewing the General Terms of Service**

To ensure the proper and correct functioning of our keypartners website, the content of this document may be subject to updates and/or legal revisions due to reasons of alignment with national/EU legislation. For this reason, to ensure the proper functioning of its website, keypartners commits to informing the Candidate of any modifications and/or additions that occur, making known: - their scope; - the period for raising objections; - the circumstance that failure to object will be considered unconditional acceptance; - all the consequences of any objection. It is specified that all modifications/additions will only take effect after communication to the Candidate.

**Use of the keypartners Website**

It is expressly prohibited to use the keypartners website for the following purposes: - transmitting/sharing material (in any format) that encourages conduct that incentivizes and/or promotes the commission of any crime; it is communicated to the Candidate that the described behaviors will result in civil and/or criminal liability for the Candidate; - disseminating illegal, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene material and/or information or contrary to any law or regulation; - creating, forwarding, copying, storing electronic copies of copyrighted materials without the authorization of the rightful owner; - interfering in any way with the operation of the keypartners website by any other subject.

In the event that the Candidate engages in the aforementioned behaviors, keypartners informs that the Candidate will be held directly responsible for the losses and costs that keypartners may incur as a result of the violation.

**Registration Procedures**

To access the Services offered by the keypartners website, the Candidate can create their own account by registering on the same website. Following registration and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Service, each Candidate will be able to receive an unlimited number of job alerts and have the opportunity to upload up to three CVs, etc.

The Candidate who registers must ensure that the data provided or subsequently entered following the registration procedure is correct, complete, and updated, taking on all civil/criminal/administrative liability for false or incorrect declarations.

Each Candidate is invited to inform keypartners promptly of any changes that may occur to the personal information provided at the time of registration, updating their personal data to facilitate and make communication between keypartners and the Candidate effective.

For the correct registration procedure to the keypartners Service, the Candidate will be required to create a password. To avoid fraud, unauthorized access to their profile, it is strongly advised to keep the created password confidential. In case of suspicion of unauthorized access to their profile, the Candidate is required to inform keypartners promptly.

In the event that keypartners has reasonable grounds to believe that there have been unauthorized accesses to the Candidate’s profile or that there has been a probable security breach or misuse of the site by the Candidate, keypartners reserves the right to either suspend the Service or request the Candidate to change the password.

**Site Content**

keypartners informs that the content of its website is purely informational and therefore it is advised to seek further assistance and conduct independent checks and to report any inconsistencies to keypartners, which will be corrected within a reasonable timeframe after communication from the Candidate.

In the event of a breach by keypartners of the General Terms of Service, we will be responsible for any loss suffered by the Candidate that constitutes a foreseeable consequence for both parties. It is understood and agreed that keypartners’ liability will not extend to economic and/or commercial losses (including, but not limited to, data loss, profits, business interruption, etc.).

The content of these General Terms of Service should not in any way be understood as limiting or prejudicing keypartners’ liability in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct.

**Use and Access to the Site**

keypartners does not guarantee that the service will be free of anomalies and/or defects. In light of this, the Candidate is asked to report any anomalies/defects/disruptions to allow keypartners to take corrective actions within a reasonable timeframe.

Access to the keypartners website may be occasionally restricted to allow for updates, repairs, maintenance, introduction of new features or services. The service will be restored within a reasonable timeframe.

**Cancellation/Suspension of Registration**

keypartners, as mentioned, has the unquestionable right to immediately suspend and/or cancel the Candidate’s registration in case of violation of any of the obligations set forth in these General Terms of Service.

The Candidate, on their part, has the right to request the cancellation of their registration at any time from their account on the keypartners website, as well as to unsubscribe from receiving any marketing communications through the “unsubscribe” link contained in the last Job Alerts email you received by contacting italy@key-partners.it.

It is specified that both the suspension and the cancellation of the registration will not prejudice the legal rights or responsibilities of both parties.

**Communications to Authorities and Equal Opportunity Rights**

keypartners informs that it may communicate information regarding the Candidate at the express request of regulatory or law enforcement authorities. keypartners may also use the collected information, in anonymized form, for monitoring purposes in relation to our equal opportunity policy. keypartners reserves the right to disclose Candidates’ information to its professional advisors as well as to other entities to the extent that keypartners outsources certain aspects of the operation of its services.